A tree swallow stares me down last weekend at Col. Sam Smith Park along the western waterfront. © BCP 2010
How delightful that the tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) at Col. Sam Smith Park don’t seem to mind posing for the camera. Maybe it’s just because they are used to all the foot traffic along the paths by the water, and the constant tramp tramp of birders out with their Zeiss and Swarovski binoculars, and the shooters out with their ultra-long lenses.
Whatever the explanation, I was pleased that this bright bird, (a male if I’m reading my bird guides correctly — if I’m wrong, please let me know!) stared me down, just daring me to take his picture up close. He had definite business in this nesting box, though, and eventually disappeared into it. Not sure if he and his partner would still be construcing a nest inside it, or if this pair’s eggs had already been laid.
Hope to make a return trip to this western waterfront park soon to get an update on all its nesting birds.
So much to see in spring time! So little time to take it all in. . .
© BCP 2010