Can anyone help ID this little ball of fluff I saw last week in High Park? © BCP 2010
This little fellow sitting atop a wire fence caught my eye last week when I was staking out the purple martins at High Park. I think he/she’s a baby sparrow, but don’t know what species.
When the wind ruffled his feathers, a distinct black chest spot was evident. © BCP 2010
As you can see from the second picture, wind the wind ruffled his feathers, there was a noticeable black spot on his chest, which makes me wonder if he is a young song sparrow, as they seem to be one the main sparrow in our parts that have this prominent “stick pin” mark.
The guide books I generally use as reference don’t seem to be helping me much here.
A riffle through Google images, however, seems to indicate that the bird above is NOT a song sparrow — he doesn’t seem to have the right streaking on his breast to match up.
Yet again, I’m hoping that more knowledgeable birders out there will be able to help.
I think I know what I’m asking for next time my birthday comes around — another guide book. This time, one that specializes in juveniles.
Til then, can anyone ID?
Thanks in advance.
© BCP 2010