“But you said I didn’t have to go to flight school today, Dad.” © BCP 2010
Thursday update:
Thanks to the folks who wrote to confirm that the little gaffer on the left is a very young red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus).
From Wednesday:
I’m hoping that an experienced birder can help me identify the bird on the left in this picture. I thought, after watching this pair of birds for some time, that the bird on the left was the female mate of the male red-wing on the right. After looking more closely at the photo, though, I’m wondering if this is a juvenile red-wing, since the beak colour seems wrong to be a an adult female.
Or is it something else entirely? These two birds seemed to me to have an ongoing relationship, leading me to initially think the small bird on the left was the male’s partner.
ID please?
Thanks in advance.
© BCP 2010
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