A male northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis, pauses on a branch after hunting a worm to feed to his babies yesterday at Ashbridge’s Bay. © BCP 2011
Wild About The City is busy busy busy! Travelling here and there, trying to get out every day to experience the miracles of spring unfolding around us. Trying to be receptive in understanding the grand design of Ma Nature.
Am preparing for another jaunt, so must keep this post brief. But I did want to share my picture, taken Wednesday this week at Ashbridge’s Bay, of Mr. Cardinal, (Cardinalis cardinalis) as he successfully hunted for worms. At least I think that green glob in his beak is a worm. Or something. I’m pretty sure he was hunting for his babies. The Mrs. was nearby, as usual.
It’s been a spectacular week at the bay for bird lovers like me. A huge flock of cedar waxwings have been flitting from treetop to treetop at the point at the end of the path, while eastern kingbirds perform their swooping loop-de-loops overhead in their ceaseless forays to hunt flies.
Perhaps most spectacular of all, there are countless — and I do mean too many to count — Baltimore orioles throughout the whole park, their bright, clear and piercing song a joy to hear from the parking lot to the point.
Many more pictures of these wonders coming. Soon. I promise.
© BCP 2011
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