The lush foliage of Tommy Thompson Park (the Leslie St. Spit) is seen from Ashbridge’s Bay this week. © BCP 2010
Hurray! With some of the oppressive heat and humidity now gone from our air, there seems to be less haze over our city. Better breathing — important for everyone; better pictures — a blessing for some of us.
This picture was taken from the foot path that goes around the very tip of the peninsula that makes the Ashbridge’s Bay park It was taken with a 400 mm lens, making it look like you could almost reach out and touch the CN Tower. Of course, it’s at least 10 kilometres away.
For the past few weeks, during the worst of the heat wave, every picture I took of the city has had a whitish cast to it — the result of the very high ultraviolet index, I think.
In the image above, you can actually see the difference in the air.
Another sign of fall approaching.
© BCP 2010
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