Lake Ontario on Good Friday, April 2, 2010. © BCP 2010
Good Friday! Yes, it certainly is. And a beautiful one, too.
With a record-breaking weekend ahead of us, temperature-wise, it seems like spring couldn’t get much better.
I stopped to snap this picture of our beautiful lake as it caught my eye on the far side of the pine trees out on the peninsula part of Ashbridge’s. I was simply taken with its intense turquoise hue, which immediately called to mind the colours of the Caribbean Sea. Just substitute palms for the pines and you have Pigeon Point, Tobago.
I wonder how many of the 4 million or so folks who call the GTA home (or as the Toronto Star seems to be calling it these days, the GGH — argh! which stands for Greater Golden Horseshoe [when did that abomination start?]) ever give our lake a moment’s thought.
Over the years, my daughter, Boo, has admired the stately homes and gardens of the mansions in Rosedale, and even expressed a longing to live in such grand style. But I have told her repeatedly that even if we could afford to live there, I wouldn’t. I couldn’t be that far away from my beloved lake. The lake I visit almost daily to regain my sense of balance and timing in a speeded-up, often off-kilter world. For me, there is no other place to live in Toronto other than by the lake.
Even when I’m out driving around doing my endless errands, I never fail to register that moment when, driving south on Greenwood, Coxwell or Woodbine Aves., I hit the Danforth and boom! There it is. Shimmering in the distance. Depending on the season or month, steel grey, electric blue, or precious aquamarine. Always different. Always perfect. Always a reminder of our little place in this great big world.
© BCP 2010
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