Category Archives: Don Valley

More backyard birdies

A white-breasted nuthatch, Sitta carolensis, is happy to have a sunflower seed I put out last week. © BCP 2011 Must be doing something right in my quest to have a bird- and butterfly-friendly yard. It’s party time in my backyard this year — at least if you happen to be either a bird or […]

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A king-size bed for a field mouse maybe?

The opened seed pod, overwintered, of a milkweed plant, Asclepias syriaca, in Sun Valley last week. © BCP 2011 Traipsing about in Sun Valley last week (Thursday, April 7, if memory serves, I came across an area of the field where there were countless  milkweed plants, all with their pods exploded open. For some reason, […]

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A red-tailed hawk hunts in Sun Valley

A red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) soars above me in Sun Valley yesterday. © BCP 2011 As promised, here is a shot of the red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) that kept me company Thursday as I was tromping about in Sun Valley, looking for some flowers in bloom. I saw this hawk and what I am guessing […]

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A flower blooms in Sun Valley

Early blooming coltsfoot (Tussilaga farfara)  makes an appearance in Sun Valley. © BCP 2011 After my nature walk earlier this week in Taylor Creek Park — in which we did not find a single flower blooming, (with the exception of some lovely snowdrops that had escaped from a long-gone garden) even though we are well […]

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A walk in the Lower Don with the Toronto Field Naturalists

A red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) hunts for lunch near the banks of the Lower Don River Saturday, Mar. 19/11 © BCP 2011 What a glorious morning for a spring walk in the Don Valley. Starting out at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, there was sunshine — all the more dazzling for its recent rarity — and more […]

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